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Caboodle Doodles!

Have you seen my new YouTube series, Caboodle Doodles, yet? No?! What are you waiting for? Go HERE to see the newest episode

In this episode, I grabbed The Big Book of Drawing, Doodling, and Coloring (which, for right now, is on customer special for ONLY $8! It's a steal!) and started with, what I thought, was a pretty easy page.

I am no artist, clearly. BUT I do enjoy a good, relaxing coloring session. I don't care if you're 3, 30, or 300 years old, it's very clear that coloring has some serious benefits for individuals.

Did you know?

  • Coloring provides a meditative state of mind
  • Coloring lowers stress and anxiety levels
  • Coloring helps you focus on the present task in front of you
  • Coloring aids in practicing problem solving skills
  • Coloring activates the creative side of your brain
  • And coloring can help develop fine motor skills

If you're like me, join me on this little adventure! Grab yourself a copy of the book HERE or go to "Shop" at the top of this page and fill up your cart with $40 of amazing books and grab it for only $8 under the customer special (for limited time). Join me on YouTube every Wednesday, and use #CaboodleDoodles on Instagram to tag and post your creations! I'd love to see what you all can do while having your own relaxing coloring session!


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