I'm sure if you've been on Pintrest any time in the past...forever, you've seen beautiful reading corners set up with blankets and pillows, and canopies. Sometimes, there are even tents or special lamps. There's usually a place to store books so that kids can easily grab one and comfortably sit down and read. A quick search and you'll find a million different ways to put together your own special corner for your kids to have a magazine cover reading spot. I look at these and think of how beautiful they are. And then I think about how little my girls would use it for actual reading. I am 1000000% sure they would end up turning it into a castle. Or a cave. Or some fairy land where they have to defeat bad guys to save the world from total devastation. I'm sure these kinds of reading corners work well in some homes. I'm sure they work fabulously in classrooms. I just don't think they're for us. Instead, I want to share with you the top 5 reading &q